
Engage with FPA of Tampa Bay

Committees and committee volunteers are very important to the long-term health and viability of our organization and a great place to develop skills and connections that will further your career. Below is a list of current FPA of Tampa Bay Committees:


We are responsible for the educational content of our quarterly programs and roundtables. We research topics and speakers for all the chapter meetings.

You’ll have opportunities to network with industry leaders, national experts and other members while shaping the education of our chapter. Where else will you have the opportunity to be familiar with the cutting edge issues of our industry and meet many of its leaders?


We are responsible for maintaining the health and fostering the growth of our chapter’s membership. A strong membership contributes more energy, more value and more fun during our meetings.

A strong membership allows us to advocate for our profession with a louder voice. A strong membership enables us to achieve more as a profession.

Participating on the membership committee enables you to engage with the members of our chapter.

Resource Partners

Help us partner with companies to help us deliver programming and services for our members. And, promote resources available to our members.

Our dues cover only half of our operating budget. Resoure partners are solution providers for you and your clients.

People interested in networking and building relationships with various service and product providers would find this a valuable committee.

Financial Literacy Outreach

Increase local awareness of the value of financial planning by providing financial literay education and pro bono planning to non-profit corporate and community organizations. Develop relationships which increase the profile and reputation of FPA of Tampa Bay.


This committee connects with state and city government to promote our profession and be a liaison between our organization and the government. You will be the first to know of pending legislation, help us have a voice in consumer protection on financial issues and make amazing connections across our government.

Community Awareness

We promote the value of our association, and the importance of working with an FPA professional. Committee members have the opportunity to encourage public awareness through the media and our activities with businesses and organizations. Our committee will help you hone your own public relations skills and offer opportunities for responding to media requests, public speaking and authoring opportunities.

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